Business Modeling

Do you have the right information at the right time? How confident are you that your existing models are error-free, robust and reliable? Are you able to flex modelling assumptions easily and assess the impact on decisions?

In an increasingly complex and uncertain world, it’s not enough to simply rely on intuition when making decisions or challenging assumptions. Spreadsheet-based modelling can provide business leaders with flexible tools to help make informed decisions on pricing, investments, operational performance and strategic options.

How can we help?

Business models represent dynamic projections of operations or financial performance based on a set of assumptions about a business.

Model build services
Kreston’s Financial Modelling team can help you build bespoke financial, business and cost models that are flexible, robust, accurate and easy-to-use. Our team will work with you to create clear reports that can deliver tangible business benefits. Financial modelling typically assists in the decision-making process for:

Investment appraisals
Transactions and deals
Operational performance improvement and monitoring
Financial restructuring
Costing and pricing.

Model review services
We also provide the independent review on the accuracy, robustness and reliability of financial models, improving the overall quality of decision-making or third-party confidence in the outputs.

Kreston can also review your internally prepared business model so it is free from mathematical and logical errors.

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